Be aware that fraudulent job offers are being made by individuals, organizations, internet sites and social media accounts unrelated to the Apotex Group of Companies (Global Generics, Apobiologix, and Global API). Perpetrators use fraudulent job offers as a way to obtain personal and financial information. As a job seeker, it is important that you are aware of this activity to protect yourself from this fraudulent behaviour. Please refer to our career site to learn more on how to recognize recruiting fraud and where to report this behaviour, if encountered.
We have an incredible team of bright, passionate, and committed individuals who are proudly dedicated to our mission of bringing a growing array of high quality, affordable medicines to healthcare systems in 115 countries around the globe.
We offer competitive pay, exceptional career development, state-of-the-art facilities, and the opportunity to work with leaders in the field. But we also offer something more… the satisfaction that comes from knowing that the medication we produce will improve the quality of human lives, and in some cases, save them. Our products, most importantly, are also accessible by people from all economic backgrounds. We’d love to hear how you could contribute to the team!