Quality for Patients
Quality is a lifestyle that we all adopt in Apotex®. We have a Global Quality System to give patients the security and certainty that the products they purchase in Mexico, Central, South America, and the Caribbean, have the same quality as the ones they get in the US, Canada or in any other country.
As a global company, we comply with the regulatory framework of health authorities such as Health Canada, FDA USA, (Food & Drugs Administration), EMA Europe (European Medicines Agency), COFEPRIS Mexico (Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks), DNFD Panama (National Department of Pharmacy and Drugs), MINSA in Costa Rica and Nicaragua (Ministry of Health), ISP Chile (Institute of Public Health), ANMAT Argentina (National Administration of Drugs, Food and Medical Devices), among other health agencies. We understand that quality is not only the responsibility of one area of the company, but of everyone.
The traceability of any batch, carton or blister, that we manufacture, is essential to provide security to health professionals and patients; ensuring that when they use an Apotex® product, it was developed to meet the Canadian quality standards that characterize us.
Throughout the development chain of a medicine, quality is present through our work teams, who use our value -passion, perseverance, courage, and collaboration, to ensure the quality of the products.